Since no drugs or other materials are used in acupuncture, it is considered as one of the safest methods of treatment. All needles used in this practice are disposable and sterile and there is minimal or no risk of infection at the site of treatment. The needles may not go deep into the body so there is no risk of damaging any of internal organs. The only problem which can be present is minimal bleeding at the site of insertion of needles or a small hematoma formation. In some patients, a temporary muscle spasm may occur due to staying in a position for several minutes. If the patient is hungry, he may feel some discomfort. So we suggest the patients to

  1. inform your physician if you are on anti-coagulant drugs (such as warfarin, aspirin, etc.) or suffering from any problem in blood coagulation.
  2. stay steady during your treatment session as much as possible.
  3. do not leave the clinic till 15 minutes after the treatment session.
  4. have a light snack before your treatment session.
  5. inform your physician if any unexpected problem occurs.